The Importance of Being Assertive in the Workplace

There’s Boldness in being assertive; There’s strength and confidence
— Bryan Cranston

Why is it important to be assertive?

The key to success in life is assertiveness. Assertiveness is defined by the ability to stand up for oneself and one's views while also considering other people's needs. If you are assertive, you can say what you want without fear of how others might respond.

We have all been in a situation where we would say something, but someone else spoke up before we could. It is natural to feel frustrated in these moments, especially when you think that you are about to say something important or interesting. However, it can be healthy for you to assert yourself. This means speaking up when someone does something that makes you uncomfortable or doing something that you want without waiting.

Being assertive doesn't mean being aggressive or rude. It's all about balance and consideration for other people's feelings.

#assertiveness #self-confidence #communication skills

What is Assertiveness?

Assertiveness is a matter of personal taste and a person's natural style. It is the ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions while respecting the rights of others. Assertive people are not pushy or demanding, but they do get their needs met. They don't avoid conflict when necessary and can take other people's perspectives. The assertive person has a strong sense of self-worth and knows how to express anger appropriately in order to get the desired outcome out of an argument.

#assertiveness #communication skills


Assertiveness is a trait that can help you do better at work. You should be able to tell the difference between being aggressive and being assertive.

When it comes to communicating with your colleagues, there are many skills that you need to have. Communication skills are essential for any workplace environment, but what does it take to be an effective communicator?

One of the most common mistakes people make in the workplace is not being assertive enough. This might lead to people feeling unheard, misunderstood, or even developing resentment towards their colleagues or boss, which can cause them to feel unhappy at work.

One of the most important parts of communication is building rapport with your coworkers, and this has a lot to do with how you approach them and what you say to them. 

In a recent study, researchers found that assertiveness at work is associated with better mental health. In the study, the researchers found that women who were more assertive in their daily interactions had fewer negative feelings.

This means that being assertive at work is not only good for your career but could also be good for your mental health.

#assertiveness at work #communication skills in the workplace

Instil self-confidence and practice communication skills to increase your chances of being more assertive at work.

Self-confidence and communication skills are two crucial skills for individuals to have. When you have them, you can conquer your fears and be assertive. For those who want to improve their self-confidence, it is important to work on the self-image they have of themselves. This includes practising how they come across to others through their body language, voice tone and what they say.

Practising how to communicate with others is a way for those who want to be more assertive to feel confident enough to express themselves. They will be able to understand the way that they are coming off in conversation and can better control it.

It will take time before you become more confident but give it time and you will be able to speak up when necessary without feeling nervous or scared.


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